Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It's Testimonial Tuesday!

It's Testimonial Tuesday! This week's featured testimonial comes from another of our review bloggers, the LolaStarHearts Beauty Blog. Click on the link below to read about her experience with Vivant Skin Care products! Enjoy...

Review: Vivant Skincare

Acne-prone, blemish-prone, bad-skin-day-prone. I’m big on skincare, it’s probably more important to me than makeup. If it had better skin I wouldn’t need as much makeup right? So I jumped at the chance when the lovely people at Vivant Skin Care offered to send me some of their range to review.

Morning Routine

I love this stuff. As you know I’m a scrub-addict so this was perfect for me. BP (Benzoyl Peroxide) is a peeling agent, which helps clear pores and reduces skin bacteria. I love using this in the mornings as I feel like it really clears my skin of any sebum produced during sleep.


Mandelic Acid is used as a more effective substitute for glycolic acid. Again, it has antibacterial properties to help kill the acne bacteria. It’s a clarifying toner that removes dirt and oil and helps with hyperpigmentation. I found this stuff a bit too strong. It smells like pure alcohol and I was worried that it may have been a bit too harsh for my skin. Admittedly, I didn’t react badly to it but I didn’t enjoy using it.


Daily Treatment Lotion SPF15* - $33
I’m a naughty beauty blogger – I don’t use SPF. I know, I’m bad. But I always feel like SPF moisturisers are too heavy for my oily skin and clog my pores. But this one is an absolute Godsend. Vivant are right, it’s super-light. It didn’t break me out or feel too heavy.

This serum is designed to protect against environmental damage whilst flushing out pores and improving pigmentation. Personally, I don’t see the use of this product. I forgot to use it on many occasions and found that it didn’t make any aesthetic difference to my skin whether.

Evening Routine

This can be used on the face and scalp for acne, dandruff and irritation. I didn’t use it on my scalp as I think it’d be too strong for my brittle hair but it’s a pretty decent face wash. I don’t love it as much as the exfoliating cleanser though. Sorry.

I love it when you can feel products working and this is amazing. It’s a clear gel that feels quite ‘slippery’, but dries with a vice-like grip. It makes your face feel really tight, but not in an unpleasant way. It’s an oil-free gel designed to hydrate your skin and calm it down. The tightness disperses after a while, and I found that I wasn’t as oily as usual in the mornings.
My verdict: The toner and serum were a bit of a miss for me. The toner was too strong and the serum was too – nothing, I guess. But I loved the rest of the range.

Did it work? Probably the most important question. At first the range broke me out. But they were small whiteheads so I think my skin was just purging itself. Aside from the initial breakout my skin really cleared up. BUT – there’s always a but, right? – Vivant has actually made me realise my ‘acne’ is hormonal. So whilst it was great at alleviating breakouts, it was pretty much powerless to stop them. Obviously that’s no fault of the products, Vivant, it’s not you, it’s me.

Would I repurchase? Toughie. Why? I’m a student and Vivant is hardly Asda Smart Price. The exfoliating wash is a bathroom staple for me now, so I’ll have to beg, steal and borrow to repurchase that. Skincare is important to me though so if my spots weren’t hormonal then I’d continue to purchase the whole range.
Vivant Skin Care is available to purchase from the Vivant website.
The people at Vivant are lovely, and run a Skin Care Chat every Tuesday at 8pm (EST) and give tips and advice on skin care. The CEO Kelly Kendrick (@kllykendrick) also gives great recommendations on products for your skin issues too.


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